How to stay healthy and Maintain Healthy lifestyle

Now a day everybody wants healthy lifestyle. But no one of us care for our own health. Although all of us need healthy life,  we forgot to care about health in our busy life. So we must understand  the importance of our healthy life & careful about our health to stay healthy and fit.

• Wake up early in the morning

We all know that early to morning and early to bed. Early wake up & get up from bed in the morning is is a good habit. It keep us whole day fresh and fit. If we sleep till 8/9 AM and after when we wake we have must experienced about the feelings of that day. It makes us too lazy and boring. We don't like to do anything that day. So why not we wake up early in the morning. Not only this habit affect our body but also this habit gives us too much time to do our daily works. The day becomes long for us. So for healthy life early wake up is very very important thing. If we need healthy life we must follow this habit.

• Take Breakfast After Brush

A machine is not working without fuel or power. Like that our body also need foods as power or fuel to function normally. So we must take our breakfast in the morning after brush. In breakfast it may be dry or cooked food. But we must take our breakfast in morning. After that we may do our daily works. To stay healthy we must take our breakfast.

• Exercise in The Morning


Exercise boost our immune system. It gives us feel fresh and light whole day. A vehicle not runs better if it unused or not driven for long time. Exactly our body also needs care regularly to perform normally or better. For that we must exercise regularly in the morning. If we do this habit regularly it keeps us fresh and fit life long. So we must give at least  30 to 45 minutes in the morning for exercise.

• Drink water Sufficient

In our normal body up to 60 to 70% must remain water. We must drink enough water keep this percentages to stay healthy. Water control our body temperatures. It allows and helps cells to grow up. It flushes body waste mainly as urine. It lubricant our bone joints. It help our brain to manufacture hormones and manage digestion process. Also help deliver oxygen all over the body. So we must drink water to stay healthy and fit.

• Take Your  Daily Meal in Time

We must take our daily meal in time. Without food our body became weaker and weaker. Taking late food also affect our normal functions in body. So its more necessary to eat our daily meal timely. Eating all green vegetables is good for health.

• Don't Forget to take Rest

Continues physically and mentally work is harmful for our health. After hard work our body and mind need to take rest. So we should give our body to take rest in busy life. It relax our body and mind. Rest make us fresh and fit. So It also a part of make us healthy.  

• Go to Bed In Time 

Go to bed in time is the best habit that keep your body fully rest.  It gives us enough time for take rest by sleeping.  But if we are getting late for sleeping we can't take rest fully and we can't wake up early in the morning.

Don't forget to give your feed back after reading this information that how you feel and what you learn about healthy life. Thank you. 

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