How to Earn Money Online from website or blog and from YouTube

 If you are a student or a house wife or even a job holder. You can earn money Online easily if you try. In this  expensive world every one wants to earn some extra money. So lets know some easier methods of earn money online. 

▪ Earn money by Blogging

If you have some writing skill about any topics like Health, Technology, Internet, beauty tips, Nature, Biography of Great man, Science, Geographically knowledge then you can write articles and publish in your websites. It is called Blogging. Blogging is a methods that you can share your inner knowledge by publishing in your blog sites and earn money easily through online. Here I am telling you that if you confused for how money come to you if you do this. You have to put some ads in your websites to earn money. So for this you must have some creative knowledge and blog making knowledge. Now a day you can make your blog easily if you try. You can create your blog on free hosting and paid hosting sites. For this you have to spend little bit of money for purchase of hosting and domains for your blog built up. Blogging is one of the good medium for earn money online.

▪ Earn money online by becoming Youtuber

If you have knowledge about create videos on different topics then you can become a successful youtuber. In this way you have to choose any types of videos category. Which you can make video on that category like Comedy videos, Short films, Documentary films, Cooking Tips, Beauty tips, Healthcare, Technology, Career related, Interview videos, Coaching videos, Educational videos, and you can make videos on any types of informational topics. Then you can create a channel on YouTube by singing up through your mail id. After successfully create of your YouTube channel you can upload your own created videos. But remember don't upload other's made videos. Because those are copyright content. Always make your own videos and upload to your channel for becoming a successful YouTube. After upload some videos your channel will grow up and your channel will eligible for monetization. Now it is turn for your earning.

▪ Earn Money by Web Design

Now a day internet is one of the leading medium for communicate with people and public. So every department needing their website for their users. But they have no time for make their website for their users. In this time if you have knowledge of design websites then you can earn money by website design and development. So for this you have to learn html, php, java, python, c++ and etc coding skill for development of websites through web design courses. Then you can make your own websites for your web design and development services for your customers. You can also contact some institutions, colleges, schools, companies, Showrooms, hotels and many organisations for built up their websites. You can earn money online easily by this way. 

▪ Earn money by mobile Apps

It also same way like website design. You can make your own mobile applications or for your customers if you have coding skill of mobile application development. So for this you have to learn coding skill through appearing any professional courses of mobile application development. You can also learn this through some free websites. Some are free and some websites are taking charges for offering their courses. But it will better if you can attend offline class at your nearest area. This course may be expensive for you. So you may have to spent some extra money for this course. After learning the mobile applications development you can make mobile applications and earn heavy amount of money online from your users and customers.

▪ Earn money By Selling your products online

If you have some products for selling online then you can also sell online through your own websites or by posting some free marketing websites. Here you can sell your paintings, photos, videos and any other hand made products. Some companies have no time for higher personal professional photographer. So in this situations they search their desirable photos on internet. And they choose for their company. So in this situation your may be selected for their company and you can earn good money from here. Like this you can earn from your videos. So therefore you have to became a professional photographer or videographer or both for create professional quality photos and videos. Now you get some idea about how to earn money online. thank you for your time. 

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