
Increase your typing speed easily at home or at office

The ability to locate your computer keyboard is quickly becoming common knowledge. These are five pointers to keep your keyboard proficiency...


4 Online courses for free offered by Google you must know those

 Google Online Course 2023: The youth are vying for government jobs nowadays. However, the government also offers government jobs on a limit...


Become a successful businessman based on Chanakya niti

  A prosperous businessperson always has a high degree of self-assurance and a favourable assessment of their capacities. They have a powerf...


Golden Triangle of Odisha known as Swarna trikona. Odisha's best visiting places

Golden Triangle Odisha is one of the most well-liked tourism spots in this state. The Golden Triangle of Odisha is made up of the three fam...


Top 5 apps for video editing. Best app for video editing

There are many video editing apps in play store. But some of those apps are so wonderful for video editing. Those are follow. ▪︎ Kinemaster ...


The Land without Oldman. Moral English Story

 THE LAND WITHOUT OLD MEN Long long ago, in one cold country, all the young people decided to kill all the  oldest people. What was the use ...


Friendship Quotes Friendship massage in English

  Making a hundred friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a single friend who will stand by your side even when hundreds are again...


How to Earn Money Online from website or blog and from YouTube

 If you are a student or a house wife or even a job holder. You can earn money Online easily if you try. In this  expensive world every one ...


How to stay healthy and Maintain Healthy lifestyle

Now a day everybody wants healthy lifestyle. But no one of us care for our own health. Although all of us need healthy life,  we forgot to c...


Odisha's most beatiful places

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